TMJ Disorder
TMJ is an acronym for Tempura Mandibular Joint. Problems associated with this joint are clinically referred to TMJ Syndrome Disorder.
Who Can Have TMJ?
Most of us have had some symptoms of TMJ during our life at one time or another. Stress, disruptive sleep and hormone level variations are some of the contributing factors that stresses our jaw joint causing TMJ. Most cases are short lived but many live with it daily and weekly. Women, ages 18-50, are the most likely group but anyone can suffer from it.
Known as “The Great Mimicker,” TMJ is often misdiagnosed as something else.
Some Symptoms of TMJ:
- Frequent or regular headaches and migraines
- Ear symptoms including stuffiness, pressure or ringing
- Muscle soreness on the head, neck, shoulders or back
- Clicking or popping of the jaws
- Loose and/or cold sensitive teeth
- Pain behind the eyes
- Frequent use of medicines to “deal with symptoms”
A TMJ evaluation is part of every comprehensive, first appointment exam. If you are suffering from any of the described symptoms, we will discuss many ways to treat them. We always start with the most conservative, successful therapies first. Our goal is for you to have a happier, pain-free life that is less dependent on medicines or supplements.