What to Expect
First Visit: What to Expect
We respect your time and your questions. We allow 90minutes for your first appointment.
We will look at 3 Things:
Foundations: Gums/Bone
We will assess your gum health and discuss methods to ensure your foundations (gums) will hold your teeth firmly for a lifetime.
Structure: Teeth/Restorations
Most of us have had some dental work done throughout our adult life, most of which was not chew and there is a certain “wear and tear” factor that occurs over the years. Dental work experiences the same stresses as teeth. As a result, things to “wear out”. In addition to the necessary diagnostic digital x-rays, we will spend time showing you actual photos of your teeth and areas of concern.
Operating Systems: TMD/TMJ
During this aspect of your appointment, we will evaluate the jaw joints (muscle systems that move the jaw) and associated symptoms. In many individuals, certain aspects of temporal mandibular disorder (TMD or TMJ) have been present for years, but have been confused or misdiagnosed as symptoms from other things.
We will conclude our appointment with discussing any concerns you may have. The “whys” and “hows” will be addressed in a “show and tell” fashion. We believe education is key and we want you to leave our office with the knowledge to keep your mouth healthy.